How to Successfully Transition to a Healthier Lifestyle

Discover how to successfully transition to a healthier lifestyle with insights from Austin Phillips, owner of Ardent Fitness. Learn practical steps, mindset tips, and the philosophy behind The Ardent Way.
Austin Phillips, Founder of Ardent Fitness and Education
June 24, 2024
How to Successfully Transition to a Healthier Lifestyle

Austin Phillips, Founder of Ardent Fitness and Education


June 24, 2024

How to Successfully Transition to a Healthier Lifestyle

Hi, my name is Austin Phillips, and I have been operating Ardent Fitness since 2013. My journey with fitness began during my deployments in the Global War on Terror. Exercise became a crucial outlet for me, helping to make those long months more bearable both physically and emotionally. Through this experience, I discovered the profound impact that fitness can have on one’s life.

Understanding Transition

Life is about transition and change. At Ardent Fitness, our mission is to help you integrate health and wellness into your identity. We believe that everyone has the potential to transform, but the process requires a shift in mindset and habits. This journey is what we call The Ardent Way, a philosophy based on long-standing research and designed to help you become the best version of yourself—not just physically, but in all areas of your life.

Common Challenges

Change is hard. It involves altering habits that you have grown accustomed to over the years. Sometimes, these changes can feel like shutting off a part of your life. For instance, I might ask you to drink more water, moderate your alcohol consumption, and focus on sleep and restoration. These changes can cause friction because they often require you to step out of your comfort zone and might not be supported by everyone around you. This is where our focus on community and social support becomes crucial. At Ardent, you are never alone on this journey.

Practical Steps

Be open to something new. Albert Einstein once said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." If you have never been able to lose the weight you want or hit that goal you’ve strived for multiple times, it’s not because you lack motivation—it’s about practicing the right methods consistently. Trust the process and allow yourself to embrace change.

Mindset and Motivation

Mindset is the cornerstone of any successful transition. If you don’t believe you can achieve your goals, it won’t happen. Often, people say "I can’t" when what they really mean is "It’s not a priority." Think about it—how often have you said you can’t afford something but still spend on non-essentials like eating out, expensive coffees, or multiple streaming services? Setting goals and scheduling regular goal meetings are integral to our program. While we prompt and remind you, it’s ultimately up to you to take action. Every day, you have a choice to work towards becoming your best self.

Success Stories

Let me share a bit of my story. When I first started my fitness journey, I believed that bigger was better. I focused on building muscle mass without realizing I wasn’t truly fit. It was only when I discovered functional fitness that my life began to transition into a new phase. As I aged, I had to adjust my approach to maintain and improve my fitness. This meant changing my diet, eliminating alcohol, and prioritizing recovery. This transition wasn’t immediate—it took years of trial and error. But it taught me valuable lessons about what works and what doesn’t.

The Ardent Way

Our philosophy at Ardent Fitness is grounded in research, including insights from the longest study on happiness ever conducted—the Harvard Study of Adult Development. This study, along with my own research on transition during my MA in Anthropology, forms the foundation of The Ardent Way. We stand on the shoulders of giants, repurposing proven methods to support your journey. Our program is built around four pillars: Vitality, Resilience, Connection, and Restoration. Each pillar plays a critical role in your transformation.

Long-term Benefits

Living Your Best Life isn’t just a slogan—it’s a call to action. You have one chance at this life. Each day that passes is an opportunity to make meaningful changes. You don’t have to live tired, obese, sad, or resigned to feeling that way. There is a better way, and while it’s not easy, it’s worth it. If it were easy, everyone would be happy and healthy. But real change takes effort, and that effort can transform your life in ways you never imagined.

Ready to Start Your Journey?

Are you ready to change your life? Set up a No-Sweat Intro with us. Visit the gym, discuss your goals, and see if we’re the right fit for you. If not, we’ll help point you in the direction of a place that can help you. There are many great gyms in Oshkosh, but at Ardent, we believe in making a real, lasting impact. Find a time that fits your schedule and lets have a conversation.

See you soon!

Harvard Study of Adult Development. (n.d.). Retrieved from Harvard Happiness Study

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